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I love reading the responses and reactions I get from all of you when you read my blog each week. Setting aside some time every week to sit down and write a blog is one of my favorite ways to spend “me time.” I love being able to share tips, give advice and almost feel like I’m just chatting with a friend while I write — it’s kind of like free therapy.

There are so many different ways for people to express themselves and I think writing is one of the best ways to clear your head. Whether it’s a blog, a diary entry or even a song, it’s so therapeutic to be able to record your thoughts and opinions. Even if you don’t share it with anyone, just getting all of those ideas out of your head and onto paper is such a good feeling.

So pick up a pen and paper — or just start typing. Write about the good, the bad and the ugly — you might surprise yourself with how much you enjoy it. And if you do decide to give it a try, tweet me a link so I can read it!

Other than writing, what are some ways you like to express yourself?

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