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In the past, I’ve talked about all of the different ways to say “I love you.” It’s one of the most important things in a relationship — anyone can simply say the words “I love you,” but it’s when someone goes out of their way to actually make you feel loved that you get that warm-and-fuzzy feeling. For example, I once brought up how whenever I take a nap, I can feel Donnie putting a blanket over me — it instantly brings a smile to my face and gives me a sense of peace. It doesn’t matter how simple something might seem to be, it’s guaranteed to make you feel loved when the thought and effort are there.

Here are a couple of simple ways to show your love:

• Flirt with your partner. Flirting is fun and used to give us those exciting butterflies, so why not do it on a regular basis, no matter how long you’ve been together?

• Cut your partner some slack. We all have bad days and we all make mistakes. Being understanding and compassionate can go a long way.

• Always show up when it counts. When someone is upset or needs to vent, giving him or her your full, undivided attention shows that you really do care and want to help.

• Send a midday text or email just letting them know you’re thinking about them.

• Compromise, compromise, compromise — it’s your best friend. Everyone wins when you compromise.

• Know when to give your special someone space. If your partner is in a place where nothing you say can help, just give them a little “me time” and let them know you’re there when they feel like talking.

I’d also love to hear your unique ways of showing your love!

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